Learn Html Css and Javascript at Zero Cost

Photo by Social.Cut on Unsplash. The web we see is built using 3 technologies: HTML CSS JavaScript In this article I’ll be sharing some of the GREAT and FREE resources for learning all the three technologies. This material will contain TEXT and VIDEOS. The most important things you have to do: Implement anything you learn. Glue different parts and make new websites. Experiment (MOST IMPORTANT). 1.

Learn Dart Programming

Good Evening, Here are the Hands-on notes for Dart Programming Language. I created these notes when I was learning Dart Language. So, these notes might help you too. You can use these notes as a quick reference to Syntax and Demo. I’ve covered almost every fundamental concept of Dart in this article. Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust 1. Basics 1.1 The Main Function Every Dart program starts execution from main() functions.

Types of Pointers in C/C++

Photo of Hyacinth macaw by Roi Dimor on Unsplash Types of Pointers in C / C++ 1. Null Pointer It is a pointer pointing to nothing. NULL pointer points to the base address of the segment. -EXAMPLE- 1 2 3 4 int * ptr = (int) * 0; float * fptr = (float) * 0; double * dptr = (double) * 0; char * chptr = (char) * 0; Other ways of initializing NULL pointer 1 2 int * ptr = NULL; char * chptr = '\0'; NULL also means 0 in macro 1 #define NULL 0 2.

Avoid Memory Leaks While Coding in C Plus Plus

Instructions Things You’ll Need Proficiency in C++ C++ compiler Debugger and other investigative software tools Part 1 Understand the operator basics. The C++ operator new allocates heap memory. The delete operator frees heap memory. For every new, you should use a delete so that you free the same memory you allocated: 1 2 3 char* str = new char [30]; // Allocate 30 bytes to house a string.

Operators in Bash Shell Programming

Photo by NASA on Unsplash If you want to learn bash bash scripting please read this article. Learn complete Linux bash (shell) scripting in one article Operators help us perform various types of operations such as addition, multiplication etc. There are following types of operators present in bash: Arithmetic, Relational, Boolean, File Test, String Test 1. Arithmetic Operators All the arithmetic operators present in bash are discussed below with examples.