Learn Complete Linux Bash Scripting in One Article

– Photo by Iván Rivero from Pexels In this article I’ll be discussing about linux bash scripting (shell scripting) and I will cover every fundamental concept that you need to get started with bash scripting under linux environment. Bash scripting is a critical skill for every programmer. First of all you will need a linux machine to execute these scripts. You can use any of the below techniques to get a linux machine:

Access Wsl Filesystem From Windows 10 File Explorer

If you want to get Linux environment in your Windows system there are some solutions that provide the oportunity. For example MYSYS, CYGWIN and a Virtual Machine (If you want complete linux machine) or Multiple Boot. But some of them aren’t much powerful and some are resources hungry like Virtual Machine. So, the solution is WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). You can learn how to setup WSL from here. In this article I’ll be sharing how to access WSL file system from Windows 10 file explorer.